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Climate Week NYC 2024: Meaningful Youth Engagement: Time to Deliver (Hosted by NORRAG Global Education Centre)

Note: the time zone listed on the event page is Central European Time (CET). We are listing the event in Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Date: Sunday 22 September 2024

Time: 10:00am to 11:30 am EST

Location: Ban Ki-moon Foundation, New York and Online at online registration at

The United Nations Secretary-General has convened world leaders in a once-in-a-generation Summit of the Future to adopt the Pact for the Future. Under the key pillar “Youth and Future Generations”, Actions 34 and 35 aim to improve youth engagement at national and international levels. Improving youth engagement also promises systemic impacts across all of the Actions, and can be achieved through better understanding their needs, listening to their innovations, and taking transformative action to secure their future.

And yet, deliberations continue concerning what truly works to meaningfully engage youth in all manner of sociopolitical, governance, and participatory processes.

To advance both understanding and practices, NORRAG, Ban Ki-moon Foundation, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Learning Planet Institute, and Mission 4.7 are joining hands to explore partnership opportunities to surface and amplify young leaders’ expertise on how best to engage youth for a better today and tomorrow.

This event on the sidelines of the Summit of the Future is a call to action for organisations to join our growing collaboration to put in place the much needed action to support young voices and perspectives in global convening and policy-making spaces. This event will particularly focus on Global Citizenship Education – within SDG target 4.7 –  as an empowering tool to bring the youth of the world together and make the world sustainable and just for all.

On the heels of the Summit, the panel will ensure that decision-makers listen to the invaluable perspectives of youth as they determine how to engage youth in forging a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. The material and discussions are intended to inform and support policy makers and the public in their engagement with youth.

The event will be held in person in New York at the Ban Ki-moon Foundation and online. The event will include a high-level welcome, followed by interventions by youth change agents and moderators discussing the key takeaways from youth leaders on how to improve youth engagement.


  • Yasmina Benslimane, Politics4Her

  • Carolina Earle, NORRAG

  • Foluyinka Fakoya, GPE

  • Moira Faul, NORRAG

  • Radhika Iyengar, Columbia University

  • Dr Jarso Jallah , Minister of Education of the Republic of Liberia.

  • Kate Landon, Ban Ki-moon Foundation

  • Pimer Peace Monica, Nile Girls Forum

  • Anna Bella Sabilah, GPE Youth Leader, Indonesia

  • Prisha Srimali Ban Ki-moon Foundation

  • Edward Stevenette, Learning Planet Institute

21 September

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