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Climate Change Microcredential: “Teaching Urban Climate Change: Systems, Science & Stewardship,” February 2 - July 25, 2025 (hosted by STEMTeachersNYC and City College)

Register here by December 6, 2024:

In early 2023 STEMteachersNYC and City College of New York began collaborating on and inviting partners to contribute to a nine credit microcredential to ground teachers in Climate Change, Systems Thinking and Sustainability content, pedagogy, and a range of vetted tools, lessons and units already in use across NYC schools. Coursework shall be application and practice-based, leveraging current events through the Ecology Disrupted curriculum, to help prepare teachers to be confident, knowledgeable, and equipped to not only teach about Climate Change, but create and respond to events and teaching contexts with appropriate resources and new material.

A collaborative opportunity for NYC teachers to develop a local and global understanding of climate change within a coherent framework of systems thinking. Supported by hands-on experiences and student-centered pedagogy, coursework will be infused with real-world, data-rich, fieldwork experiences with local nonprofits, master teachers and climate scientists. Participants will emerge with immediately implementable tools and strategies, skills to tackle and integrate new topics, and the ongoing support of our community!


Dates below are approximate, and are meant to give you a sense of time and schedule commitment:

  • Course 1 | SCIE7509 Climate as a System | Approx schedule

    • In person: Feb 2, 9 @City College, 10am-3pm

    • Via Zoom: Feb 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, 4:30-7:00pm 

    • In person: May 4 @Brooklyn Botanical Garden, 10am-3pm 

    • 35hrs

  • Course 2 | Climate In the Field | Approx Schedule

    • One week plus one afternoon

    • July 7-11, 9:30am-3:30pm & July 14, 3:30-6:45pm ET 

    • 35hrs

  • Course 3 | Climate in the Classroom & Community | Approx Schedule

    • Fully virtual 

    • July 15-25, 3:30-6:45pm ET

    • 35hrs

In 2025 the hosts are excited to be incorporating more course-spanning projects and texts, and will be collaborating with Tom Roderick to integrate parts of "Teaching for Climate Justice" and some of the NYC teachers quoted in his book. Another important thing to consider is giving back. Cohort 1 teachers have gone on to galvanize programs in their classrooms and schools, create their own climate education frameworks, become sustainability coordinators, and more, and will be returning to share their work with you!

The hosts are maintaining a waitlist and would ideally like to confirm participation the week of December 2nd. Please also feel free to send over any questions. This program will be made available to any NYC teacher, public, charter, independent! Questions:

30 January

NYC Youth Agenda Winter Dataland, Thursday, January 30, 2025, 4:30pm-7:00pm EST, Riverside Church, 91 Claremont Ave, NY, NY 10027

4 February

Listening to the Community: Create A Community Vulnerability Survey, a Resilient Schools and Communities (RiSC) webinar, hosted by New Jersey Audubon, Tue. February 4, 2025, 6:30pm - 7:30pm EST